Maafi - The Official Bollywood Remix to Justin Bieber's 'Sorry'

A video project that has been in the works for MONTHS is finally out! The track is produced by the amazingly talented J Raj (@jraj_music on Instagram, and j-raj on Soundcloud), whom I've known and have had the privilege of working with for years. And what's a remixed track without a remixed video? The original video was so dope and inspiring, so I wanted to create what a Bollywood/Indian version of Bieber's would look like. Our outfits are inspired by South Asian street fashion and obviously Bollywood cinema, and I created the choreography to mimic more standard/typical Bollywood moves (you get a cookie if you can spot some signature steps!) 

Thank you to all my gorgeous and swaggy dancers, Safira Halani, Phantasia Studios, and of course the one and only J Raj for making this happen!

Enjoy :)